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El pasado martes 13 de octubre de 2018, la Universidad Internacional de Valencia, publicó el artículo "Estado y perspectivas de la ciberseguridad en Europa" escrito por Manel Medina y Pablo López-Aguilar Beltrán. El cibercrimen es una de las preocupaciones más importantes de los gobiernos, sociedades y...

The trivial answer is that we do not know how to protect ourselves or do not look as being capable of doing it. This is because cyber-criminals have more offensive resources, than us to prevent and defend ourselves against their attacks. To counteract the attacks, we... is a CSA on certification and labelling of trustworthiness properties from a multidisciplinary SSH-ICT perspective and with emphasis on human rights. TRUESSEC.EU aims at exploring the situation, the barriers, and the benefits of security and privacy labels; engaging stakeholders in the discussions, and issuing...