APWG.EU was founded in Barcelona in 2013 as a research foundation incorporated in Spain and managed by an independent Board of Trustees. The Board is made up of eight appointed members, four each from CaixaBank and APWG. A President for the board is elected from the Board for a two-year term.
APWG.EU Collaborators assign representatives to an Advisory Board. The Advisory Board gathers to approve the adoption of certain decisions and an Action Plan for the upcoming year. One Advisory Board representative from each Platinum Collaborator has a privilege of voting rights for these plans. The Board of Trustees, however, maintains the right for the final decision. These Advisory Board Meetings are held twice per year, in March and October.
APWG.EU maintains a Scientific Committee (SC) composed of one representative each from the Platinum and Gold collaborators, APWG.ORG members and an appointed Scientific Advisor. This SC helps guide the research projects in cybercrime investigation and user awareness that APWG.EU will participate in. The SC meets twice a year at the annual eCrime meetings in the Spring and Fall of each year.
Collaboration is open to qualified financial institutions, retailers, ISPs, solutions providers, the law enforcement community, government agencies, university-based researchers active in the topic space, multi-lateral treaty organizations and NGOs. There are more than 2,000 enterprises worldwide participating in the APWG.EU. Because electronic crime is a sensitive subject, the APWG.EU maintains a policy of confidentiality of collaborator organizations.
Attention: Request for membership will only be accepted if the email address originates from a domain owned by a qualifying organization. Generic or free ISP accounts like Yahoo!, Gmail or Hotmail are not acceptable. We do not accept group level email or distribution list email address to access APWG resources.
To apply for collaboration in the APWG.EU, please fill in the form below.
Your application will be reviewed, and upon approval, you will be sent an invoice and a data sharing agreement prior to receiving an email linvite to the data sharing and workgroup site. If you have any questions, please contact us at collaborator@apwg.eu .